Minority Cell

About Minority Cell:

Minority Cell was created in MITS on 28 July, 2014 with a view to focus on promotion of hassle free education and financial welfare of minorities. Under this cell two meetings are held each year. In these meetings various issues and ways to enhance quality education among the minorities are discussed to ensure implementation of the directives of various ministries and commissions regarding minorities specially their education. As per the suggestions in the meetings various programmes for the welfare of minorities are proposed by the members of this cell who belong to various streams of the Institution.

Vision & Mission

The Minorities Welfare cell forms its primary objective as socio economic development and educational advancement of minorities in the Institution. The main functions of the Cell are as follows:

  • Introduce schemes launched by the central Government to promote accelerate socio economic development of minorities
  • Assisting the students to apply for various scholarship Schemes introduced by the department of minority welfare, Government of India
  • Exploring training and employment opportunities, provided by the central as well as state Government
  • Provide guidance to those in the minority communities wanting to set up entrepreneurial ventures


Dr. P. Athahar

SAO (Students Welfare)

Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science

  • Address :

    Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science
    Post Box No: 14, Kadiri Road,
    Angallu Madanapalle-517325,
    Andhra Pradesh, India

  • Phone : +91-8571-280255 (Extn: 168)

  • E Mail : swo@mits.ac.in