Dr. Karthikeyan N
Qualification : Ph.D. (Anna University)
Course | Specialization | Group | College Name/University | Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | Computer Science and Engineering | Computer Science and Engineering | Anna University, Chennai | 2022 |
M.Tech. | Computer Science and Engineering | Computer Science and Engineering | Anna University, BIT Campus, Trichy | 2015 |
B.Tech. | Information Technology | Information Technology | Roever Engineering College,Perambalur | 2010 |
My Publications
S.No | Title of the Paper | Full Details of Journal Name / Conference Name, Volume number, page number, Date |
1 | Efficient Feature Extraction and Deep Learning Based Enhanced CNN Algorithm for Content Based Image Retrieval | Computer Systems Science and Engineering, DOI : 10.32604/csse.2022.021459, Vol. 43, No.2, PP. 683 – 700, Online ISSN: 0267-6192, [Impact Factor: 1.486] |
2 | Fast and efficient lossless encoder in image compression with low computation and low memory | IET Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 11, PP. 2494 – 2507. Online ISSN:1751-9667, DOI: 10.1049/ipr2.12235 [Impact Factor: 2.373] |
3 | Twitter Sentimental Analysis Using Augmented Naive-BayesAlgorithm | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Vol. 25, No. 4, PP. 8324–8332 (Scopus). |
4 | ARG Game Therapy for Autism Disorder | International Journal of Advanced Engineering Science and Information Technology, Vol. 5, No. 5, PP. 7-12, 2021 |
5 | Content-Based Image Retrieval Techniques: A Survey | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1964 042027. (Scopus). |
6 | Machine Learning Based Classification Models for Heart Disease Prediction | Journal of Physics: Conference Series, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1916/1/012092. (Scopus). |
7 | Comparative Study of Lossy and Lossless Image CompressionTechniques | International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.3.34, PP. 950-953, 2018. (Scopus). |
8 | Comparative Study of Vector Quantization in Image Compression | International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.3.34, PP. 895-899. (Scopus). |
9 | A Fast and Efficient Lifting BasedDCT Image Compression | Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology, Vol.13, PP. 544- 547, 2016. (Scopus). |
10 | An Overview of JPEG Compression | International Journal on Engineering Technology and Sciences, PP 44-48, Special Issue – Sep,2015, ISSN 2349-3976 |
11 | A Study of Various Enhancement Techniques in Spatial Domain | International Journal on Engineering Technology and Sciences, PP 52-57, Special Issue – Sep. 2015. ISSN 2349-3976 |
12 | Comparative Study of Different Encoder Schemes of DCT for Image Compression | International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, Volume 10, Number 49, PP 135- 139, 2015. ISSN 0973-4562 (Scopus) |
13 | Challenges in Big Data Clustering for Data Analytics | International Journal of Advanced Research in Curriculum Vitae of Karthikeyan N 5 Management, Architecture, Technology and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 12, PP 230-233, 2015. ISSN 2454-9762 |
14 | Video Dissemination with Tail Time for Energy Saving and Enhanced Security in Cellular Network | International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE), Vol - 3, PP 287-290, Feb 2015. ISSN 2320-9801 |
15 | Enhanced Biometrics Security system in smartphone application with energy consumption | International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, Vol -10, PP 2298-2301, 2015.ISSN 0973-4562 (Scopus) |
16 | A new KK coder with Low Computation and Low Memory for Image Compression | International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research, Vol -10, PP 9605-9610, vol-9, No-27, 2014. . ISSN 0973- 4562(Scopus) |
17 | Fast and Efficient Image Compression Technique Using Double Time Quantization | National Conference on Bio-Informatics in Health Care Using Big Data, Vivekananda college of engineering for women, Tiruchengode on 09th Aug. 2017 |
18 | Content-Based Image Retrieval Technique Using Texture Color and Histogram | National Conference on Bio-Informatics in Health Care Using Big Data, Vivekananda college of engineering for women, Tiruchengode on 09th Aug. 2017 |
19 | A New Scheme for QR Code Based Online Security System | National Conference on Intelligence and Computing Systems in SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore on 17th Mar. 2017 |
20 | An Overview of JPEG Compression | National Conference on Innovative Intelligence in Computer Technology in Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 25thSep. 2016. |
21 | A Study of Various Enhancement Techniques in Spatial Domain | National Conference on Innovative Intelligence in Computer Technology in Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 25thSep, 2016. |
22 | Video Dissemination with Tail Time for Energy Curriculum Vitae of Karthikeyan N 6 Saving and Enhanced Security in Cellular Network | National Level Conference in CARE School of Engineering, Trichy, Feb 2015. |
23 | An Automatic Moving Object Detection Algorithm for Video Surveillance | National Level Conference in Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathiyamangalam, Apr 2010. |
24 | Unified Health Care System using Web Frameworks | International Conference on Sustainable Materials and Innovative Techniques, in Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Coimabatore on 18.03.2022 |
25 | Machine Learning Based Classification Models for Heart Disease Prediction | International Conference on Computing, Communication, Electrical and Bio-medical Systems, in KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimabatore on 25.03.2021 |
26 | ARG Game Therapy for Autism Disorder | International E- Conference on Latest Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology, in Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, on 26.03.2021 |
27 | Efficient Object Detection and Matching Using Edge and Texture Extraction Techniques | International Conference on Latest Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology, in Karpagam Institute of Technology on22nd Mar. 2019 |
28 | Comparative Study of Lossy and Lossless Image Compression Techniques | International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering, in Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology on 7 th Apr. 2018 |
29 | Comparative Study of DCT Based Image Compression Techniques | International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering, in Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology on 7 th Apr. 2018 |
30 | Removal of Blocking Artifact Using Zero Masking And Segmentation | International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering, in Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Curriculum Vitae of Karthikeyan N 7 Technology on 7 th Apr. 2018 |
31 | Comparative Study of Vector Quantization in Image Compression | International Conference on Recent Developments in Engineering, in Dhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology on 7 th Apr. 2018 |
32 | Feature Extraction and Pupil Detection Based Iris Biometric Security System | International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS' 2016), in Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal, May 13th, 2016 |
33 | A Study of Various High Securable Image Encryption Techniques | International Conference on Adaptive Technologies for Sustainable Growth (ICATS' 2016), in Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal, May 13th,2016. |
34 | Content-Based Image Retrieval with Color and Texture Using Histogram and Clustering Technique | International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, in Sri Subramanya College of Engineering and Technology, Palani on 2ndApr. 2016. |
35 | Challenges in Big Data Clustering for Data Analytics | International Conference on Recent Innovation in Engineering, in Sri Subramanya College of Engineering and Technology, Palani on 2ndApr. 2016. |
36 | A Fast and Efficient Lifting Based DCT Image Compression | IEEE-Online International Conference on Green Engineering and Technologies in Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 27thNov 2015. |
37 | Enhanced Biometrics Security system in smartphone application with energy consumption | International Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering and Technology in Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuramon 15th May 2015. |
38 | A new KK coder with Low Computation and Low Memory for Image Compression | International Conference on Innovative Technologies of Computing Sciences in VELS University (VELS Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies), Chennai on 18thApril 2015. |
39 | Comparative Study of Different Encoder Schemes of DCT for Image Compression | IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Curriculum Vitae of Karthikeyan N 8 Technology and Management in RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul on 17thApril 2015 |
40 | Low computation and Low memory Video Retrieval with Color on Spatial Domain | International Journal of Technology and Engineering System in VetriVinayaha College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy on 19th Feb. 2015. |
41 | Low Complexity, Low Memory Coder with Modified Golomb Rice Entropy Coding using Orthogonal Polynomials is presented | IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing in Anna University, MIT Campus, Chennai on 19th Dec, 2014. |
42 | Study of various effective techniques for image compression | International Conference on Dynamic Engineering and Science in Arrow Technology Pvt. Ltd., Chennai on 19th Apr, 2014. |
Conferences & Workshops attended
- Two Days of hands-on training on "Data Analytics with R programming " from 10th & 11th 2022 at KIT-Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, associated with SKS Fasteners Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore.